Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe IL
During these trying times - do you need any help and do you want to support your local businesses at the same time?
I am the primary caregiver for my 74-year old mother who has underlying health issues.
As a result, she has been self-quarantined and I had to move out of our Northbrook house. Yet, other than her dogs, I am her only contact to the outside world. I suspect many others across our District are in a similar situation so I wanted to offer what I've learned to others.
I have been delivering food and supplies as many of the delivery services are overstretched. Each day, my kids call her on Facetime and we go in the evening to walk her dogs. We make sure to stay far away from her and to not touch any surfaces in her house.
Through this experience, I realized several of the local governments have created links to the businesses that remain open and if they offer curbside pickup and/or delivery. I have been using these links regularly.
Below you will find the links to the individual township websites across Congressional District 10.
If you don't see your community on the list, we're sorry. Some information is hard to find, but if you email us at info@valforcongress.com with the link we will get it added as quickly as possible. Also, please share other links you think would be useful to others as we get through these times together.
Arlington Heights https://www.discoverarlington.com/what_s_new/supporting_our_restaurants
Bannockburn https://bannockburn.org/business/support-our-restaurants/
Beach Park https://www.villageofbeachpark.com/businesses/business-directory
Buffalo Grove https://www.vbg.org/
Deerfield http://www.deerfield.il.us/764/COVID-19-Response-and-Preparedness
Des Plaines https://www.desplaines.org/news/displaynews.htm?NewsID=877&TargetID=1
Fox Lake https://www.foxlake.org/BusinessDirectoryii.aspx
Gages Lake
Glencoe https://www.villageofglencoe.org/news_detail_T2_R523.php
Glenview https://www.glenview.il.us/Pages/Default.aspx
Grayslake http://www.villageofgrayslake.com/
Great Lakes
Green Oaks http://www.greenoaks.org/
Gurnee https://gurnee.il.us/
Hainesville https://www.hainesville.org/
Highland Park https://www.cityhpil.com/resident/covid-19/restaurants_offering_pickup_delivery_etc.php
Highwood https://www.cityofhighwood.com/
Indian Creek
Lake Bluff https://www.lflbchamber.com/eat-shop-play/
Lake Forest https://www.lflbchamber.com/eat-shop-play/
Lake Villa https://www.lake-villa.org/egov/apps/document/center.egov?view=item;id=1948
Lake Zurich https://lakezurich.org/
Lakemoor https://sites.google.com/lakemoor.net/eatlocalinlakemoor/home
Libertyville http://libertyvilledining.wixsite.com/mysite
Lincolnshire https://www.lincolnshireil.gov/
Lindenhurst https://www.lindenhurstil.org/
Long Grove http://longgrove.org/march-2020-open-closed-in-downtown-long-grove/
Mettawa http://www.mettawa.org/
Morton Grove https://www.mortongroveil.org/covid19/
Mount Prospect https://www.experiencemountprospect.org/dine/take-out-and-curbside-delivery-options
Mundelein https://www.mundelein.org/community/coronavirus-information
Niles https://www.vniles.com/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1793
North Chicago https://www.northchicago.org/
Northbrook https://www.northbrook.il.us/
Park City http://www.parkcityil.com/
Park Ridge https://www.parkridge.us/
Prairie View
Prospect Heights https://www.prospect-heights.il.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=475
Riverwoods https://villageofriverwoods.com/
Round Lake https://eroundlake.com/
Round Lake Beach http://www.villageofroundlakebeach.com/
Round Lake Heights http://www.villageofroundlakeheights.org/
Round Lake Park https://www.rlpil.us/
Spring Grove http://www.springgrovevillage.com/
Third Lake https://www.thirdlakevillage.com/2020/03/17/lets-support-our-local-businesses-restaurants/
Vernon Hills https://www.vernonhills.org/
Volo http://www.villageofvolo.com/
Wadsworth https://www.villageofwadsworth.org/
Waukegan https://www.waukeganil.gov/
Wheeling http://www.wheelingil.gov/
Winnetka https://www.villageofwinnetka.org/shop-winnetka-businesses/
Winthrop Harbor http://www.whpd.org/village/
Zion https://www.cityofzion.com/
Congressional District: IL-10
The Tenth Congressional District of Illinois lies in the northeast corner of the state. It mostly comprises the northern suburbs of Chicago, as of 2011 redistricting which followed the 2010 census. The boundaries became effective on January 3, 2013, and may change after the 2020 census.
The district covers parts of Cook and Lake counties. All or portions of Beach Park, Buffalo Grove, Deerfield, Fox Lake, Grayslake, Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Lake Villa, Lindenhurst, Libertyville, Mundelein, North Chicago, Northbrook, Prospect Heights, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Vernon Hills, Waukegan, Wheeling, Winnetka and Zion are included within the district.